High School Faculty & Staff Forms

Time Off & Extra In-Service Pay Requests

Faculty Absence Request (Step 1)

Faculty Absence Request (Step 1)

Updated February 2021

Click above
to schedule an absence and assign a sub.

IMPORTANT: Please add pertinent information in the Notes to Administrator field, including whether or not your absence is COVID-19 related.

When you are done, please complete the Form (Step 2) to by clicking the icon directly to the right.

Conference & Travel Request Form

Conference & Travel Request Form

Please do not fill this out until you are ready to turn in all of your completed paperwork.

You will need:

  1. Conference and/or Travel Request form - Make a copy of the form linked above, rename it with your name and the name of the conference, complete it and share the document with Ginny. 

  2. The conference registration form. Filled out send to Ginny (via email or hard copy) 

  3. Requisitions (if there are any fees at all) - I need separate requisitions for the conference, hotel and food/drink.
    Note: *Food/drink will ALWAYS come out of your department budget code- so please don't leave the encumbrance code blank. You still need to fill out requisitions even if you plan on getting reimbursed from the teachers center.

  4. Send all forms to Ginny in the main office.

Request for Personal Day

Request for Personal Day

Note: you will need to submit your AESOP/Absence Management Confirmation number, so be sure to create your absence there first!

Field Trip Request Form

Field Trip Request Form

This form will cover your field trip request and your transportation request, as well as send Cathy Doane a notification of your trip.

Once your request is approved you will receive an email saying so. Please keep in contact with Katie Anderson (kanderson@candorcs.org) to secure your bus/van.


Once the trip gets closer please send Cathy (cdoane@candorcs.org) a detailed list of your attendees.